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The pension industry fund assets rose to ₦12.29 trillion by November 30, 2020. This represented a 1.94 per cent increase when compared with ₦12.053 trillion recorded as at October 31, 2020.

Latest report by the National Pension Commission (Pencom) showed that the pension funds rose by 5.89 per cent between September and November based on the ₦11.56 trillion recorded as at September 30, 2020.

However, as contributions and trade continued on a growth trajectory, the pension managers, Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) invested more funds than before in Federal Government Securities.

The PFAs invested a total of ₦8.139 trillion in FGN Securities during the period under review, representing 66.22 per cent of the total ₦12.29 trillion fund assets.

A breakdown of the fund shows that out of the N8.139 trillion invested in FGN Securities, FGN Bonds got ₦7.379 trillion; Treasury Bills ₦642.02 billion; Agency Bonds ₦6.02 billion; Sukuk ₦100.07 billion; Green Bonds ₦11.814 billion while Green Bonds got ₦11.814 billion.

Meanwhile, Domestic Ordinary Shares ₦790.85 billion; Foreign Ordinary Shares ₦17.33 billion; State Government Securities ₦150.58 billion; Corporate Debt Securities ₦731.57 billion; Local Money Market Securities ₦1.79 trillion; Mutual Funds ₦145.22 billion; Real Estate ₦158.60 billion; Private Equity Funds ₦31.70 billion; Infrastructure Funds ₦57.07 billion; and Cash and Other Assets N190.08 billion.

Source: The Nation

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