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Junior Achievement Nigeria and Sigma Pensions recently partnered to provide 100 youths with digital skills.

For Sigma Pensions, the digital Bootcamp held in February 2019 aimed to improve the employability of young people while creating businesses and contributing to the nation’s economy.

In its effort to promote digital education, Sigma Pensions, a leading pension fund administrator in the country, has partnered with various institutions to provide digital training to young people.

Sigma Pensions noted that the training of youths on digital technology is needed to enable them to contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Through the Bootcamp, Sigma Pensions is equipping young Nigerians with the necessary digital skills to enter the teh industry.

Yetunde Adebiyi noted that one of the company’s core values is to provide digital skills.

For the young entrepreneurs, digital marketing training was held at John Centre Hall, Abuja. The participants were taught how to use various tools and techniques to improve their skills.

The graphic sessions covered the various aspects of graphic design, including visual hierarchy, page layout, and typography. The web development classes covered the various aspects of web development, including designing a website for the Internet.

During the training, participants were given the opportunity to develop their own websites and ideas. The best group was rewarded with N200,000.

At the boot camp, about 100 young people were taught digital marketing, web development, and graphic design.


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