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The National Pension Commission (PenCom) has released a notice on the commencement of online verification and enrolment exercise for 2021 prospective retirees and retirees of the Federal Government Treasury Funded MDAs.

In the notice released, PenCom stated that the online verification exercise will go live on Wednesday, 1st of September 2021. This is coming after a pre-enrolment exercise that lasted from August 2 to August 20 2021 as earlier reported.

The following set of people are eligible for the 2021 verification and enrolment:

  • Employees of Federal Government treasury-funded MDAS who retired between January and August 2021
  • Employees of Federal Government treasury-funded MDAS who are due to retire from September 2021
  • Employees of Federal Government treasury-funded MDAS who missed the enrolment exercises in previous years

Methods of Enrolment/Verification

There are 2 options available for enrolment and verification:

  1. Self Assisted
  2. Pension Desk Officer (PDO)/PFA Assisted

Under the Self Assisted option, retirees/prospective retirees will visit PenCom’s website, This is accomplished by registering and capturing their employment information, as well as uploading scanned copies of the necessary documents, before going to their respective Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) for physical verification and enrolment.

PDO/PFA Assisted option, is available for Retirees/Prospective retirees who are unable to complete the online registration for any reason.

To download the notice, click here.

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