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The Data Recapture Exercise (DRE) is an exercise conducted by PFAs or appointed agents which involves recapturing the personal data including biometrics of all existing registered RSA holders under the Enhanced Contributor Registration System (ECRS).

If you registered your RSA before July 2019, the DRE is a must do exercise for you as an RSA holder.

PensionTalk have written about the DRE and the requirements extensively here.

You can read up to know the requirements for the exercise.

To perform the exercise, an RSA holder can walk straight to his or her PFA’s office nationwide or alternatively do it online either directly by filling the form or by downloading the form to fill.

We have provided below links to the Data Recapture portal of all the PFAs.

Please note that some of them require that you login with your pension details while some involve links to download the DRE form and fill for onward submission.

DRE Links by PFAs

These are the links (by each PFA) to the online Data Recapture Exercise resources:

1. Premium Pension: https://datarecapture.premiumpension.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwrdmhBhBBEiwA4Hx5gyhX4DRLegtA3YYSo9HfK8v3r1Avslvkgfxgwh_4bdwE5d-sMVSEOxoC86cQAvD_BwE

2. ARM Pension: https://datarecapture.armpension.com/

3. PAL Pensions: https://palrsa.palpensions.com/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f (requires login).

4. Radix Pension: https://online.radixpension.com/DataRecapture/

5. FCMB Pensions: https://web.fcmbpensions.com/datarecapture/

6. NLPC PFA: https://eps.nlpcpfa.com (requires login)

7. GT Pension Managers: https://www.gtpensionmanagers.com/data-recapture-form/

8. Tangerine APT Pension: https://web.tangerineapt.africa/Tangerine DataRecapture

9. CrusaderSterling Pensions: https://crusaderpensions.com/contact-us/data-recapture-form/

10. Access Pensions: https://www.accesspensions.ng/download/data-recapture-form-front-back/ (form download)

11. Fidelity Pension: https://www.fidelitypensionmanagers.com/Content/Template/Download/rsa-recapture-form.pdf (form download)

12. Norrenberger Pensions: https://pensions.norrenberger.com/downloads/ (form download)

13. Veritas Glanvil Pensions: https://www.vgpensions.com/forms-and-downloads/ (form download)

14. NUPEMCO: https://www.nupemco.com/documentation-downloads (form download)

15. Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers: https://ssl.stanbicibtcpension.com/(S(0seq4z45zobcftqp0oaoj455))/ (requires login)

16. NPF Pensions: https://www.npfpensions.com.ng/index.php/npf-media/downloads (form download)

17. Leadway Pensure: https://p-online.leadway-pensure.com/lppfa-datarecapture/ (requires login)

18. OAK Pensions: https://www.oakpensions.com/customer.aspx (form download)

19. Trustfund Pension: https://trustfundpensions.com/more-downloads/ (form download)

If you require further assistance you can contact your Pension Fund Administrator (PFA).

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